Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get one before they're gone!

The Petite Heart Twist Necklaces were a hit for Valentines and will only be available till the end of the month!!  They are a special, limited edition design that gives 15% of every necklace sold towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Only a few days left so you better get one!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I've done it - I started a blog!!

I know...I'm super late in the game of joining the blogging world - but I'm really not a fan of writing. However after much contemplation, here goes nothing! 

I’m Kim - owner and designer of Simple Twist Jewelry. I make everything out of my cozy little home in East Nashville with my husband Kyle, and kitty Leena supportively by my side.  I love working with my hands and seeing how a single strand of wire can take it’s own unique twist into a beautiful piece of jewelry.  I am a bright color freak and obsessed with the little things, the details.  

This is a place to keep you up to date with the happenings of Simple Twist and other inspirations I find along the way.  Hope you enjoy!