Monday, October 1, 2012


Simple Twist is on Nashville's ScoutMob Shoppe and there are some great DEALS our jewelry!! 
Check it out and get your Christmas shopping done early! (or... just get something for yourself, you deserve it).


And Thank you ScoutMob!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chatty Crafty Weekend

So it's taken me a week and a half now to get this up! My goodness...blogging is still not my strong point.  

Anyhow, April 21-22 was the Chatty Crafty Festival.  My good friend Claudia (from Claudia Kay Photo - amazing photographer - she takes all model shots!) and I took a little road trip to Chattanooga for the weekend. We had a great time, and boy was I thankful to have her with me!  From getting the tent up and breaking it down, to helping me make last minute paper flowers (as I accidentally left my original ones at home), to holding down the tent and jewelry from the crazy blowing wind! To simply keeping me company and having some great laughs!  Thank you Claudia for going with me!

This river we could view from our tent. Granted these pictures were taken much closer than from our booth, but it was nice having a water front view!

Here is our table - full of wrap bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces. 
I was pretty impressed with our last minute tissue paper flowers!

I must say the weather was pretty crazy - chances of rain all day on Saturday with what only ended up to be a short light shower (thank goodness). Then Sunday morning the temperature dropped, making it FREEZING - Claudia and I changed into the warmest things we brought in our suitcases which really wasn't much. Throughout the day we would have these crazy winds cutting through us and making it hard to even enjoy interacting with customers because we were so worried everything would blow away if we weren't watching it close. 

Overall we had a great time. Chattanooga is such a cute and friendly town.  I want to go back soon and check out Ruby Falls, Lookout Mountain, and the Aquarium.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time to get Chatty Crafty!

Today is a big day - we have a giveaway through Chatty Crafty of a Petite Brass Twist Necklace!! You have to Comment on Chatty Crafty's post in order to enter to win!!

While this is going on, I've been busy building my stock to get ready for the Spring Chatty Crafty 2012 Festival happening April 21 + 22, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Daily. In Chattanooga, TN at The Chattanooga Green at Ross’s Landing.  So mark you calendar and hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get one before they're gone!

The Petite Heart Twist Necklaces were a hit for Valentines and will only be available till the end of the month!!  They are a special, limited edition design that gives 15% of every necklace sold towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Only a few days left so you better get one!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I've done it - I started a blog!!

I know...I'm super late in the game of joining the blogging world - but I'm really not a fan of writing. However after much contemplation, here goes nothing! 

I’m Kim - owner and designer of Simple Twist Jewelry. I make everything out of my cozy little home in East Nashville with my husband Kyle, and kitty Leena supportively by my side.  I love working with my hands and seeing how a single strand of wire can take it’s own unique twist into a beautiful piece of jewelry.  I am a bright color freak and obsessed with the little things, the details.  

This is a place to keep you up to date with the happenings of Simple Twist and other inspirations I find along the way.  Hope you enjoy!